Managing Life.

What Is KonMari?
On the face of it, KonMari is just another system for sorting through your life and belongings and letting go of the extraneous. In the actual experience of practicing the technique, however, there is a deeply psychological and emotional process potentially in play. Or, so I found.
First, I Tried KonMari Myself.

Prior to KonMari, I believed I had edited my belongings down pretty well, however what I found during the process surprised me. I had some beautiful things I liked, but when I actually took the time, touched them, contemplated them one by one, felt into them, and felt into my somatic responses, there were a few pieces that didn’t actually carry beautiful memories to complement their good looks. Who knew? I let them go. The end result is I felt immeasurably lighter myself. And my environment became lighter and more embracing. More uplifting. It’s hard to ignore.

There's A Somatic Connection
A process like KonMari, that asks us to notice the presence of happiness in our body, or lack of it, with every item in our home, is a lovely and productive way to bring this body-oriented attention to the fore. Such a sweet and easy way to reconnect to your body intelligence. That self-knowing and inner awareness is precious and has the potential to change and inform every area of your life. This is what I love about Somatic Experiencing. It is what I love about the KonMari method, too. The principles of identifying and embracing pleasure, while they may stand in direct contrast to our historical and puritanical sensibilities, are a real road to loving ourselves and life and loving ourselves into Life. Invaluable. Stealth. Healing. Right. There.
The Healing Nature Of KonMari.

The Gift Of Deciding.
