None of the following testimonials are provided by clients of Victoria's private practice therapy, as names of therapy clients are always held as confidential for legal, ethical, and clinical reasons. Instead, testimonials are provided by individuals who have experienced Victoria's classes, tele-conference calls, speaking engagements, workshops, or other supports offered in non-therapeutic environments.
"Victoria, thank you so much for your help on the plane the other day!"
"If someone had told me there was a way for me not to PANIC and fall apart while taking off and landing on airplanes, I honestly would never have believed them! NOTHING HAS EVER WORKED FOR ME, except plenty of strong medication. Lots of people wouldn't have given me the time of day, let alone help me work out my horrible fear of flying. I felt so safe with you. And I am very excited to share this: Not only was I able to take my next flight that day, I was also able to fly four more times that week. Actually, I had very pleasant flights, layovers and all. A huge first for me! A big added bonus was I didn't lose any sleep the night before our trip home. I wasn't worrying AT ALL about flying the next day! My husband couldn't believe the ease I felt flying, taking off, and landing! He was honestly AMAZED! It really has been a miracle for me. I can't thank you enough for your help." ~Kristin Pickford
'Victoria introduced me to her "Talk of Change"
tele-classes and I am so glad she did."
"The class was very informative and easy to attend. I didn't even have to talk unless I wanted to and I was never put on the spot. BEST OF ALL, I was able to IMMEDIATELY apply what I learned and see significant change in my well-being as a result. I was so pleased with the tele-class. When Victoria developed her exciting new product, THRIVING IN A CHAOTIC WORLD: A Single Woman's Guide to Peace, Passion & Profits, I ordered my copy right away (even though I'm happily married!). I can hardly wait to get it. Based on what I know about Victoria and her work, I KNOW THIS PRODUCT WILL BE GREAT, TOO!
~Linda M. Hahn
~Linda M. Hahn