Anxiety’s impact on your emotions:
- Patterns of racing thoughts
- Negative thinking
- “What if” thinking
- Catastrophic worst-case scenario thinking
- High levels of self-doubt and self-critical thoughts
- Perfectionism—everything you do must be perfectly done (and it never feels as if it is)
- Feeling fearful and anxious regarding many if not most things
- Afraid to meet new people, try new things, have new experiences
- Phobias—specific fears (i.e. spiders, snakes, dogs, heights, small spaces, flying, social situations, vomiting, and many more)
- Often contributes to procrastination issues
- Oriented towards pain avoidance, rather than moving towards what you enjoy
- Overwhelm, and more
Anxiety’s impact on your physical symptoms:
- Tight chest
- Heaviness in the chest and shoulders
- Tension headaches
- Muscle and Joint pain
- Rapid heart rate
- Knots in your stomach
- Frequent urge to urinate
- Trembling
- Gastro intestinal distress
- Hair loss
- Acid Reflux
- Feeling dissociated states
- Vision anomalies
- Sleep disruption
- Exhaustion (financing your anxious experience requires high levels of energy)
- Many believe anxiety contributes to auto-immune disorders, IBS, and Fibromyalgia
- Profuse sweating, and more.
What is Somatic Experiencing and how can it help with anxiety?
Approaches limited to controlling behaviors, such as CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) or talking it out, may be of some help, but are going to fall short when it comes to addressing the complex body/mind experience of significant anxiety. Somatic Experiencing (SE), a dynamic, biologically-based approach to working with states of fight, flight, or freeze response housed within the body, goes where insight-oriented and simple behavioral therapies fail to go.
Your nervous system has complex responses to the vast range of experiences layered into your body since conception. Your body’s responses to the big and little traumas you have experienced are driving many of your reactions to life today, including fueling your anxious experiences. There’s nothing wrong. Your body and nervous system is responding just the way bodies and nervous symptoms do when they have had a lot of experience and not enough specific supports. In my years working with people, I haven’t found anything as effective as SE to address trauma, anxiety, and attachment issues. It’s powerful.
What can you expect when we work together?
When we work together I’ll use Somatic Experiencing and other tools (including insight—yes, it still has GREAT value) to both lower your levels of anxious experience overall and increase your ability to tolerate a broader range of emotions and sensations without feeling overwhelmed. This is a big key to reducing the occurrence of full-blown panic attack, as well as all anxious states.
Certified in Somatic Experiencing (an intense three-year course of study), I seamlessly incorporate SE into all my work with people in my practice. If you’re interested in learning more about how SE can assist you on your anxiety healing journey, please contact me. I am one of the few Orange County therapists who have invested in cultivating and committing to the powerful specialty of Somatic Experiencing in my work. Anxious Folk in Orange County have been benefiting from working with me since 2001.
2030 East 4rth Street, Ste. 111
Santa Ana, CA 92705
In the beautiful Cabrillo Park area
[email protected]
"I help people who feel bad feel better."